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Harry Potter impact!

Hi guys, what's up? It's never too late to post about the Harry Potter impact I had in my life. Anyone who knows me well knows how much I like those films and books. You can read below a text I kept for 6 years, since the Deathly Hallow part 2 was released. Hope you enjoy it ; )

"It was just huge! When I look back through all those years, I realize it was a really significant part of my life, with an important presence, as a person, as a culture, as part of me. I can very well remember when I started to get into Harry Potter. I was eleven years old, I was at my grandmother’s house spending a summer holiday and I had bought a magazine. There was a picture of Daniel, Rupert and Emma in an article, which was about the first Harry Potter film they were making. My father’s girlfriend told me it was a book and that it was a great worldwide success. She asked me:" Would you read it if I bought it for you?" My answer was "Yes". The next day we went to the book store and read the synopsis of the second, third and fourth book. I got really interested in the story and the one I enjoyed the most was the third one, which is the one I started with. After reading just a few pages, I watched the first film at the end of the year. It got on me like a full strong identification. Through all those years, I’ve spent whole nights reading those mysterious stories, playing the games, watching the movies and re watching them many and MANY times (I watched the 6th 8 times in the theatres). I used to talk to other fans at school, trying to guess the end of the whole story, making home made films and reading news on fan sites. I identified myself with the story. There are a lot of cultural items and images that I like most in this story. The actor that plays the main character of the films is the same age as I and when I first started reading the books I was the same age as Harry. I looked at Harry and saw myself in him. And now, complimenting the great author J.K. Rowling, I say, like I have said in all those years, the way she writes is spectacular. The story is a rich universe, thoroughly detailed and also very mysterious. When you read it, you feel yourself in the story. You don’t know what is going to happen next and neither does Harry. It is just so real, you accompany the story with Harry. I’ve never seen a story so well structured as this one. The end is always unexpected, it’s completely different and it connects much more to the plot than you think. Being part of this whole thing while it was happening was a privilege. It inspired me and made my journey from teenage hood to adulthood much more enjoyable and entertaining. I am so thankful for all the great professionals that worked hard to make this world come true!

Rafael Ervolino."

Some weeks ago I went to London. It was a dream come true. A trip to London always meant a lot to me. I've always wanted to go to London since I was a little kid. I have been in Europe twice before, but I've never had the chance to visit it. On the very first day I met Daniel Radcliffe. I admire his job as an actor very much and he played Harry Potter all this time as well!

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